Everyone wants to have the best of everything. More often than not we start comparing ourselves with others. It could be the nature of your job, material items, achievements, etc.

I, too, am guilty of comparing myself to others - trying to live up to the standards set by the world. But it drains you. I’m starting to realize now that the never-ending race you’re in is relative to your own life. You set the pace and you decide if you’re winning.
Healthy competition is great if it motivates you to work harder to get what you want.
But thinking that you’re not good enough because you’re not at the same point in life as everyone else is completely absurd. At every stage in life, every individual sets a different priority and goal. You trying to catch up to everyone else’s dreams will make you lose sight of your own.
I’ve always wanted to work in Los Angeles just like everybody else. But the truth is, I’ve come a long way from that hesitant, insecure introvert I used to be. Instead of moaning about how I couldn’t do the things everyone else was doing, I strived towards what I wanted. I started embracing the things I was doing and along the way, actually starting to like it. The experiences I’ve gone through helped me build confidence in myself. Needless to say, I have become happier focusing on my own life rather than chasing a dream at someone else’s pace. But of course, I haven’t grown comfortable and stopped trying (;
If someone asked me whether I had a 5-year plan, I’d say yes. But things change and life surprises you when you least expect it. So I’ve learned to accept with an open mind, whatever comes my way. If not today, tomorrow. We’ll all get to where we wanna be eventually.
There are days that I’m pulled towards the hastiness of it all. But I keep trying to tell myself that momentary impulse can lead to a lifetime of unhappiness. If I’ve already waited long enough for the right opportunity to come along, giving myself a bit more time to make judgment unclouded by emotions wouldn’t hurt. The journey has taught me that much – patience.
There are some of us who claim that others have a ‘better’ life because they have something we don’t. The fact is, YOU are the only one who can make your life beautiful. YOU make the choices in life which take you places. YOU are the one who’s survived all the shit that life has thrown at you and come out so much stronger. Most of us have gone through struggles to get here, myself included; and if we decide to share/not share it, that’s our choice to make. All you gotta know is that what you see isn’t always the full picture, so why try to imagine someone else’s life being yours instead of owning your own story;
Life isn’t a fairytale, but you can decide who wears the crown in the end
Let’s all own our struggles, our fears, and our failures. We wouldn’t make it here today if we haven’t learned a thing or two from those experiences!
Thanks for staying until the end!
Much love xx
What to read next: Need some inspiration to set goals for 2020? Check my post Note to Self