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The Ultimate List of 15 Positive Self-Confessions

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought... What we think, we become."
-Aristotle, Philosopher.

  • I am smart and thoughtful;

  • I have a unique perspective of the world;

  • I am witty and fun to be around;

  • I am a great listener;

  • I am a loyal, stand-up kind of friend;

  • I am special and valuable;

  • I am beautiful inside and out;

  • I am full of great ideas;

  • I am ingenious and creative;

  • I am able to do anything I set my mind to do;

  • I am healthy and strong;

  • I am perfect just the way I am;

  • I am self-confident and worth all that I have accomplished;

  • I am amazing and deserve to be accepted for who I am;

  • I LOVE ME!!!

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