Good morning Sweetheart! I saw you get off the bed this morning and I just thought to write you this quick note.
I couldn't help but notice how depressed you were after waking up this morning. I sat there and then I thought to myself, how easy is it to wake up in the morning and think about how messed up life is? You slept last night with a burning headache, you looked at yourself in the mirror this morning and saw the excess fat on your neck and immediately remembered how your abusive ex abandoned you for your best friend because of that, your pet is sick, you thought about how you were going to spend eight hours with your constantly nagging boss at work and the test you had that you knew you were probably not going to do well on.
I could keep going on and on listing how much of the imperfection of life you thought about today. But I won't.
All these are the constant struggles and challenges life poses to everyone every day. Notice how I said everyone, yes! EVERYONE, including the perfect-bodied models you see on Instagram or the cool kid with all the designer clothing. Everyone has things they deal with every day, and certain aspects of their lives they wish they could change. But the difference between you and that model or is nothing but positivity. She has come to understand that no matter how difficult things could be, she is not gonna let anything or anyone steal her happiness.
Have you ever come across someone who seems to just radiate good vibes every single time? They're always happy and it seems like they have everything in life all figured out for them and you can't help but wonder what they have that you don't. It's simple. Self-love.
There's something I've come to realize, nobody is gonna appreciate you more than yourself. Think about all the amazing things you could have accomplished if only you believed in yourself or if you allowed yourself to swim away from past mistakes, haters, and all the negative energy in this world.
When you woke up this morning, imagine how much better your day would have been if instead of paying so much attention to the fat on your neck, you gave a beautiful smile to the charming and irresistible person you saw in the mirror.
You are gorgeous! Yes, you heard me. You are amazing! Stop regretting all of the not-so-good things you did in the past. Start thinking about how you can constantly keep improving the invaluable treasure inside of you. Think about how blessed your life would be with your new significant other, how beautiful your pet is, how precious and awesome you are, and trust me, your day would be a million times better.
Give this a shot and you can definitely thank me later!
From your number one admirer,
Qween :)

Yes Baby
This is 100% true
Intentionally think differently about life and trust me Life will respond to your thoughts
Well-done Babe
What a beautiful way to start my day. A positive outlook at life everyday brings joy and happiness. Welldone Oluwademiladeogo
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Please feel free to get in touch with me about any suggestions about the article or the website. They're so welcome.
This article is soul-lifting. It's true that you become exactly what you think of yourself.
We must align our thoughts with what God says concerning us in His words.