There are two things that are absolutely holding you back: inconsistency, and anxiety. We simply do not have time for those. The world needs more Qweens like us now more than ever! Today, I'm going to be addressing two questions that came in via my Instagram
Qweens: Confident, Passionate, Disciplined, Unapologetic, has Self-respect, and is striving to make the most out of life.
Q. I know not every day will be perfect but how do you keep your self-love alive on days when you don't feel so good about yourself?
The major factor at play here is consistency. Try creating systems, routines, and rituals which allow you to build on your positive self-image on a daily. This way, whenever you feel down or are having a bad day, you already have a selection of practices that soothe you.
Your systems might include meditation, cutting out complaining, or making your bed. The list is endless but you need to find practices that work for you!
Yes, self-love is about living the most fabulous life possible but showing yourself love and compassion is not something you do once a month or a week, It's an essential daily practice. Our emotional health should be just as important as our physical health.

Q. I'm struggling with the feeling of the "unknown". How can I make the “unknowing” a fun and fabulous space?
First things first: Don’t expect to be able to solve this based on some bullet-pointed list you read online! Life is uncertain. You may feel like you’re just sitting and waiting, being a passive bystander, but if you look at the situation differently, you’ll realize that there’s more going on than what meets the eye. Listen up, workaholics and overachievers, many of us feel a sense of guilt if we’re not constantly creating, making change, demolishing all our demons, and forging ahead, but in the same way that we cannot always be happy, we cannot always be creating. Life consists of cycles!
You may feel like you’re in an “unknowing” space… But maybe you’re actually researching and gathering information, or perhaps you’re in rest mode. No matter where you’re at in the cycle, I want to encourage you to take your time there. Honor where you’re at. This might sound a bit woo-woo, but if you rush through the stages because you’re feeling pressured to create something, it will never be as fabulous as it could have been if you’d taken a moment to let your thoughts percolate. Give yourself the gift of allowing your imagination all the time and space it needs.
Love and chocolates,