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Shower thoughts that confuse me...

Writer's picture: Qween DemiQween Demi

Updated: Jun 21, 2020

Disclaimer: Don't read if you're psychotic... haha!

To begin with, the truth is that we cannot escape reality, even in our dreams. And for some reason, while we're asleep, our brain makes up stories, only to get scared of them and wake us up. This, to me, seems counter-intuitive. In nightmares, how does your body replicate the feeling of falling off a building when you've never done so before? Dreams are one thing that I'd never understand. Have you thought of the fact that you've done some bizarre things in someone's dream before? They probably don't remember it though. I never really remember any of my dreams. We've lost thousands of days of our memory, and that information will never return to our minds. So is what you remember about your life the true story? Hmm... We'll never know.

Speaking of numbers, I just figured that 11% is both 1% and 10% more than 10%, and why does saying I'll be there in 18 minutes sound super specific but saying I'll be there in 15 minutes sound generic.

Every single one of us has ancestors who were alive at the same time as every other human that has ever existed. Humans aren't immortal. The heart is a timer counting downwards until your death. Someone somewhere is listening to the last song they'll ever hear or watching the last movie they'll ever watch or getting the last haircut they'll ever receive, and there's no way of knowing. Your life could end at any moment.

How famous do you have to be to be assassinated, as opposed to being murdered? If you're murdered, don't worry. Someone thought you were important enough to not exist anymore, you meant something to someone ;)

Some people are optimistic, while others are pessimists. People usually ask the question: "Are you a glass-half-empty or half-full kind of person?" Well, the easiest way to answer it is, "Did you pour water in or out of the glass?"

When you're drinking any alcoholic drink, both you and the drink get drunk. No matter how many failures you might have had in life, you're still on track to be the world's oldest person, and once you claim that title, you keep it for life. However, If you want to become the world's oldest person, you need to be healthy. But isn't being healthy only the slowest possible way of dying? You never know if you're gonna live 20% of your life or 90%. It's difficult to tell if you're closer to your birth now or your death.

Life isn't a journey; it's more of a mission. Birthdays can be pretty complicated. Your first birthday is technically your second birthday, but since a baby's age is only counted after he's born, is abortion murder?

Humans are much more different than the technology we use. Your bed is a wireless charger that takes anywhere from 5 to 10 hours to fully recharge a specific model of a human. A lot of people have the same alarms that you do so there are tons of people that have the same reaction you have at the same time every morning.

We all need food to survive. By the way, when you think you're biting down on something, you're biting up, because your upper jaw does not move. Have you ever thought of the fact that your belly button is technically your old mouth? Well... I bet you have.

Music is a fascinating topic. Sheet music is just a sound recipe, and music remixes are like sound photoshops if that makes any sense. Just like turning up the volume of something is like zooming in, but with sound.

Our senses have turned out pretty useful. You can shut your eyes, close your mouth, block your ears, and pinch your nose, but you can't block out your sense of touch. Your senses are meant to protect you and your sense of touch is supposed to stop you from doing things that could harm you, like cutting off your limbs. That reminds me, no one will ever be able to cut off both of their limbs with a knife... Please, don't try it.

We always take the easy way in everything. We put in the least amount of effort needed to do things, especially texting. If "your" is commonly written as "ur" then shouldn't "you're" be written as "u'r". Has communication gotten better or worse over the years? We can communicate with our future self in so many ways like notes, diaries, etc... except we can't see our future selves. On the flip side, we can see our past selves in photos and all, but there's no possible way we can communicate with them, it's kinda frustrating though.

NASA is currently tracking tens of thousands of asteroids that could cause harm to the entire planet, but you're more likely to die from your cat than an asteroid. I'm sure you'll still think they're cute though.

There's a lot about this world that humans don't know yet. There're probably areas on Google Earth that no one has zoomed into. Also, if you look at yourself in the mirror from 5 feet away, aren't you technically seeing yourself from 10 feet away? And, since light takes time to travel, you're technically seeing yourself in the past.

Being able to see the future would be super cool. Like, do caterpillars know they're gonna become butterflies, or do they just live without knowing what they're doing? Honestly, a lot of us don't even know what we're doing either. We're just looking for the best possible ways to survive. Your survival in today's world depends on whether you're able to convince people to give you money. Saying, "I sold an hour of my life for $15" sounds a lot worse than saying I make $15 an hour, but they're pretty much the same thing.

Everything in life depends on how you look at it. Yeah, smoking can be hazardous to your health, but if cigarette companies cured cancer, the sales would be much higher and would make everyone happy in the end. You can view stealing as bad, but torrenting things from the internet is the most acceptable form of stealing, and people do that all the time.

Anyway, here's something that blew my mind: It's crazy how things can be interpreted so differently based on how you say it. Telling someone to have a nice day sounds very friendly and would make them happy but telling someone to enjoy their next 24 hours is terrifying and would keep them on the edge throughout the entire day. Interesting.

The entropy of the universe is continually increasing. This means that things tend to go from being ordered to being disordered. Once you clean your room, it's guaranteed that its gonna get dirty again. So even though there's chaos on earth, like almost having another world war or the fact that there was an entire continent on fire, the fact that there's a new plague, etc. It all makes sense because nothing was supposed to stay orderly, to begin with... alright, maybe I'm thinking too much at this point.

I'm gonna leave y'all with these questions to think about over the week:

  • Is the brain the most important part of the body or does it just want us to think that way?

  • If we're clean after taking a shower, how do our towels get dirty?

  • If everything has to be somewhere, where are your baby teeth right now?

  • When everyone leaves the earth, would the internet just consist of bots liking and commenting on each other's posts?

  • You know when you think you heard someone call your name, but you turn around, and no one did, what if it's someone from the parallel universe trying to get your attention?

  • You can bite your finger off like a carrot, but why does your brain stop you from doing it?

  • You know how some cultures dump the ashes of their loved ones into the ocean when they die, as a sign of saying goodbye. What if it's not sand we're standing on in the ocean? What if it's dead people?

  • When you meet a new person in your real world, you unlock a character in your dream world. So what if life is just a simulation of a video game?

  • If Adam and Eve were the first humans in the world, does that mean we're all related and marriage is all incest?

  • When you buy a bigger bed, you have more bed room but less bedroom, is it an advantage or not?

  • What if rocks are soft but they harden when we touch them?

  • If 95% of the ocean is still undiscovered, does that not mean Spongebob could be real?

  • If you make posters saying, "save the trees", aren't you still destroying them?

  • Why did Harry Potter use magic to fix his glasses, when he could have fixed his eyes instead?

  • What if sleeping is a free trial of death?

  • If you set fire to your food, you're technically "burning" calories, right?

  • If a baby was born on New Year's eve, at 11: 59 and the other half of their body came out in a different year. Does half of its body have its birthday?

  • What do blind people see in their dreams if they've never seen anything in real life?

Feel free to leave your answers in the comments below. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe and I'll see you next Saturday... Bye!!


Qween Demi
Qween Demi
May 11, 2020

@Praise idowu Thanks for the compliment <3 I don't have answers to the questions too, lmao


Praise idowu
Praise idowu
May 10, 2020

This is amazing. A lot of questions with answers from each viewer's perspective. So which is really the answer? 😄


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